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Managed File Transfer

Managed file transfer refers to a software or a service that manages the secure transfer of data from one computer to another through a network (e.g., the Internet). MFT software is perfect for schools and school districts that have to share data frequently but must do it in a secure, FERPA-compliant, way. Using an MFT is an alternative to using ad-hoc file transfer solutions, such as FTp.

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5 results - showing 1 - 5

Product Details

Hightail is a simple managed file transfer system that offers a FREE version for small data needs, which might be perfect for small districst or charter schools with just a little bit of data to move around securely.

Product Details

Perhaps no company better epitomizes the transitions occurring in this broader industry better than Ipswitch. The company has a history of competing in the MFT space, but has recently launched a new, completely cloud-based version of its file transfer tool named MOVEit. It supports system-to-system, person-to-person file transfers, all with fast on-boarding and the ability to dynamically scale resources as needed through the cloud.


Product Details

SafeSend™ Is The Only Secure Document Delivery Solution That Offers A Client Portal, File Sharing System And An Automated PDF Encryption Feature In One Application.

Product Details

ShareFile is a file sharing service that enables users to easily and securely exchange documents. ShareFile Enterprise provides enterprise-class service and includes storage zones controller and the User Management Tool
Virtru - Secure Share

Product Details

What sets Virtru apart from other file-sharing platforms? The ability to extend full data privacy and control to the data owner, at all times. With Virtru Secure Share, you get the files you need quickly and easily, and your collaborators maintain control of their data, including the ability to revoke access. As a result, everyone moves at a heightened speed of collaboration, with the confidence that data remains secure.

Your personal link is generated automatically, so you can begin collecting files. There’s no need to send an email: You can streamline collaboration by sharing your link directly via apps such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or within video chat.
5 results - showing 1 - 5
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