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Membership is free!

Who We Are

The School Data Leadership Association is the statewide non-profit supporting educators who are responsible for the increasingly complex and high-stakes world of school and student data.  Incorporated in 2017 as a 501(c)3 California non-profit corporation, serves as a trusted partner of educators - facilitating collaboration, systems integration, professional learning, and access to resources.  

Our Mission

It is the mission of SDLA to promote the effective, efficient, and confidential use of data to improve teaching, learning and school administration.

Build district-wide data governance teams Facilitate the professional learning and career development of our members Strengthen connections between vendors and end-users (e.g. improve data integration and overall product usefulness) Improve the overall quality, functionality, and ease-of-use of the systems needed to operate modern school and district offices Make the mandatory state and federal systems (CALPADS, CRDC) easier to understand and more valuable to educators Seek new approaches to challenges by leveraging modern collaboration tools (e.g. Slack, Micro-Communities) Champion even the smallest contributions to this "space."

The School Data Leadership Association is a 501(C)3 non-profit California Corporation.  We are based in Los Angeles, CA and started operations in 2017.  

Our Core Beliefs:



Bring together the resources needed to effectively run a California public school and ensure compliance with all those pesky (but important!) rules and regulations. We pull in CALPADS, ESSA, CNIPS, Tech news, CAASPP and other resources - anything we need to support the data needs of our schools.




Turn confusing policies and regulations into easy-to-follow instructions and simple, actionable steps. Develop checklists, guides, and other support docs. Leverage web 2.0 tools to simplify document management.  Get help when you need it.





Leverage the expertise of our members by tapping into assessment experts, vendors, teachers, parents, technology gurus, and others through our online community, our "leadership voices", and our resource area.  Build good resources ONCE and SHARE!


Chris Moggia, Ed.D. 
Executive Director
310-796-9166 (office)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ellen Pelzel


We're a diverse group of educators! (Just some of our titles)

Accounting Technician
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Clerk
Assessment Coordinator
Assistant Principal
Attendance Technician
CALPADS Coordinator
CALPADS Technician
CALPADS/SIS Specialist
Coordinator of Data and Analytics
Coordinator, Student Information
Curriculum Coordinator
Data and Support Analyst
Data Compliance Technician
Data Coordinator
Data Management Analyst
Data Quality Technician
Data Specialist
Data Systems Analyst
Data Systems Coordinator
Data Systems Specialist
Data Systems Support Specialist
Data Technician
Database Administrator
Data Analysis
Database Analyst
Database Coordinator
Database Programmer
Database Specialist
Director of Personnel Services
Director of Site Operations
Director of Technology
District Data Coordinator
District Data Technician
Educational Data Analyst
Head Registrar
Information Services Supervisor
Information Specialist
Information Systems Administrator
Information Systems Analyst
Information Systems Data Specialist
Information Systems Specialist
Information Systems Technician
Information Technology Specialist
IT Analyst II
IT Applications Analyst
Manager, Computer Applications
Network Specialist
Project Specialist
Records Clerk/Media Clerk
Research Assistant
SIS Administrator
SIS Coordinator
Special Projects Secretary
Sr. Programmer Analyst
Student Assessment Data Specialist
Student Data and Information Specialist
Student Data Coordinator
Student Data Support Analyst
Student Data Systems Coordinator
Student Information Specialist
Student Information Systems Manager
Student Information Technician
Student Services Coordinator
System Analyst
Systems Support Specialist
Tech Supervisor MIS
Technical Support Specialist
Technology Specialist
Vice Principal



We welcome articles, blog posts, questions and comments on the following topics:

Artificial Intelligence
Attendance Reporting
Back-office Automation
Career Development
Charter Schools
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)


Cyber Security
Data Analysis
Ethnicity Reporting
Formative Assessment
Human Resources
Information Technology
Job Descriptions
K-12 Enterprise Systems
Professional Development


Small Districts
Staff Assignments
Staff Demographics
Student Assessment Systems
Student Information Systems
Student Privacy
Student Programs
Summative Assessment
Systems Integration
Teacher Evaluation
Technology Issues


Core Values:

SDLA has adopted the "Intellectual Virtues" model.  Intellectual virtues are the personal qualities of a good thinker, learner or teacher.

1. Curiosity: a disposition to wonder, ponder, and ask 'why?'. A thirst for understanding and a desire to explore.  A general dissatisfaction with the status-quo.

2. Intellectual humility: a willingness to own up to one’s intellectual limitations and mistakes. Unconcerned with intellectual status or job titles.  

3. Intellectual autonomy: a capacity for active, self-directed thinking. An ability to think and reason for oneself, especially when it might run counter to existing 'groupthink'

4. Attentiveness: a readiness to be “personally present” in any group collaborative process.  Limits distractions.  Strives to be engaged and engaging. 

5. Intellectual carefulness: a disposition to notice and avoid intellectual pitfalls and mistakes. Strives for accuracy. 

6. Intellectual thoroughness: a disposition to seek and provide explanations. Probes for deeper meaning and understanding. 

7. Open-mindedness: an ability to think outside the box. Gives a fair hearing to competing perspectives especially when they challenge existing norms and procedures.

8. Intellectual courage: a readiness to persist in thinking or communicating in the face of resistance, including fear of embarrassment, failure, or repudiation by one's peers.

9. Intellectual tenacity: a willingness to embrace intellectual challenge and struggle. Keeps its “eyes on the prize” and doesn’t give up. 


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