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Product Details

The LearnPlatform is a unique product designed especially for those K-12 systems/apps employees working to connect and manage the hundreds of various learning/instruction/curriculum apps in use for schools.  It's unique interface allows district managers to inventory their apps, track real-time usage using an innovative Chrome browser extension/plug-in.  Leaders will be able to see real-time and aggregate data of which apps are actually being used.  This can lead to powerful conversations regarding which apps are generating the most return on their investment.

IMPACT™ is a rapid-cycle evaluation (RCE) engine that uses data from multiple sources (e.g., usage, achievement, demographics, cost, feedback) to generate evidence about the effectiveness of education technology interventions. District administrators can use this evidence to make informed decisions about ed-tech interventions, and ensure they are advancing outcomes for students and working for teachers and budgets. Rapid-cycle evaluations run using IMPACT are formative and iterative, allowing administrators to examine what works in their local contexts using real-world data and a cyclical research design within a condensed timeframe. 

They generate practical, relevant evidence school districts use to make more data-informed decisions, and involve the following steps:

1. Developing or refining a research question.
2. Identifying and preparing existing data for analysis.
3. Analyzing data and reporting results.
4. Looking for success points (i.e., subgroups where the ed-tech product has a positive impact).
5. Deciding on implementation changes based on a review of success points.

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Web
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
There are approximately 10 districts using the LearnPlatform in California. We'll post additional information once we receive it.


LearnPlatform | Enabling Evidence-based Education Decisions for All