Product Details
Track your School’s Visitors
Installing LobbyGuard school visitor management in your school sends a message to all visitors that safety is a top priority. LobbyGuard school security systems are simple yet powerful solutions that streamline the visitor sign-in process. Track everyone who enters your campus and stop any threats at the door. LobbyGuard’s system will make it easy for you to track sign in time, sign out time, reason for visit, who was visited, and much more.
Run Background Checks on all Visitors
Kiosks and sign-in solutions come equipped with LobbyGuard Visitor Management software, which runs background checks on all who attempt to sign in to your school. Stop sex offenders, criminals, or make a custom list of banned individuals for your school.
Simplify School Visitor Management
Get rid of your paper sign in and visitor logging system. LobbyGuard offers a faster, smarter way to manage visitors and know who is in your school.
- Sex Offender background checking
- Local Red flag list checking (restratinig orders, banned visitors, etc)
- Student Late arrival/Early Dismissal
- Mobile App and frequent visitor keytag feature
- Partners with CrisisGO, Verified Volunteer, Family Watchdog and Clever
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:
Support Options
- Phone
- Web
Verified Volunteer
Family Watchdog
Clever for SIS integration
Verified Volunteer
Family Watchdog
Clever for SIS integration
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Lobbyguard*