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Pear Assessment (formerly Edulastic)

Pear Assessment (formerly Edulastic)

Product Details

Pear Assessment is a versatile platform that combines ease-of-use with the customization required to deploy common assessments at scale.   It is a user-friendly online assessment system that provides instant data for teachers, administrators and students. Unlike most other tools, Pear Assessment (formerly Edulastic) is designed to serve as a common benchmark system and teacher formative assessment tool in one. School and district leaders can give secure assessments to track progress while teachers find it easy to spot problem areas and act immediately to fix them. 

  • More than 35,000 standards-aligned questions and assessments for math, language arts, science and social studies.
  • 30+ technology-enhanced question types, including a built-in authoring tool.
  • Multimedia capability for any question such as video, audio, images and mathematical symbols.
  • Easy to collaborate and share assessments.

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Web
Office 365 SSO
Google SSO
Google Classroom

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use edulastic*


Edulastic Overview
Quick Start Guide: Guide to Getting Started
Webinar: Edulastic for Math Leaders
Edulastic for Districts & Schools: Edulastic Enterprise 101
Managing Assessments
Cron Job Starts