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Product Details

California Child Nutrition Information & Payment System (CNIPS).  The CNIPS is the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division's (NSD) Web-based system for administering the federal and state nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch and Breakfast, Food Distribution, Special Milk, Child and Adult Care Food, Summer Food Service, and Seamless Summer Feeding Option Programs.

Support Options
  • Email
  • Phone
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
Every California School district is required to use the CNIPS system.


Learning About the Off-Site Assessment Tool
Universal Meals Listening Session (5) - CDE March 08, 2022
Universal Meals Listening Session (5) - CDE March 08, 2022
Universal Meals Listening Session (2) – CDE 11/02/2021
Tuesdays@2 School Nutrition Town Hall (25) – CDE 11/16/2021
Cron Job Starts