Product Details
The e-IEP PRO Special Education Student Management System, developed by MediaNet Solutions, Inc., is a customizable, web-based software that simplifies the management of the special education process.
- All student data managed in a central location.
- Easy access from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet.
- Allows all stakeholders quick and easy access to student IEPs and more.
- Notification of due dates, such as meetings, IEP and MET review due dates.
- Provides for documenting assessment data and eligibility data for each special education student.
- Easy paperless transfer of electronic student records.
- Document locking feature allowing IEP teams to lock down documents to protect data integrity.
- Integrated training videos and software support section available to all users 24/7.
To meet your school and/or district's exact needs, the comprehensive e-IEP PRO software is available with the following fully integrated, compliant, state-based modules:
- Conference Summary
- Referral Forms
- Meeting Notice
- Prior Written Notice
- Assessment and Evaluation/MET Report
- Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- IEP Progress Reporting
- Section 504 Forms
- Medicaid Session Tracking
- Compliance Reporting
- Ad-Hoc Reporting
- State (AzEDS) and Census Reporting
- Data Integration w/ Student Information System
Support Options
- Phone
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use ieppro*