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Product Details

The Titlewave platform by Follett offers a wide range of educational products including books, eBooks, databases, and other educational resources. It provides tools for searching, evaluating, and purchasing according to the curriculum needs of schools and libraries. Users can sort and filter resources based on various criteria like reading level, subject, interest, and more, ensuring they find the most appropriate materials for their educational settings.

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TitleWave by Follett is primarily used in schools as a comprehensive tool for managing and acquiring library resources. Here are some key features and uses of TitleWave:

  1. Book Ordering and Management: TitleWave allows school librarians and educators to browse and order books, eBooks, and other educational materials directly from Follett's extensive catalog. It streamlines the acquisition process by providing access to a wide range of titles suitable for educational purposes.

  2. Cataloging and Organization: It offers robust cataloging features that help in organizing library collections effectively. Librarians can input and manage metadata, track circulation data, and create custom catalogs based on specific needs or curriculum requirements.

  3. Collection Development: TitleWave aids in collection development by providing tools for assessing and analyzing existing collections. Librarians can use these insights to make informed decisions about adding new titles or updating their collections to align with educational goals.

  4. Budget Management: The platform includes budgeting tools that assist in managing financial resources allocated for library acquisitions. Librarians can track expenditures, compare prices, and optimize spending to maximize the impact of their budgets.

  5. Curriculum Support: TitleWave offers resources aligned with educational standards and curricula, making it easier for educators to find materials that support teaching and learning objectives. It provides access to educational resources that cater to diverse learning needs and subject areas.

  6. Integration and Accessibility: The platform is designed to integrate seamlessly with other educational technologies and systems used in schools. It supports interoperability with learning management systems (LMS) and other library management software, enhancing accessibility and usability.

  7. Professional Development: Follett provides training and support for TitleWave users, ensuring that librarians and educators can effectively utilize all features of the platform. This includes webinars, documentation, and ongoing customer support.

Support Options
  • Email
  • Web
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use TitleWave*

Currently there is no data in the system


Overview of Titlewave
Follett Titlewave Diversity Analysis
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