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ST Math

ST Math

Product Details

Don’t settle for mere digitized math drills. ST Math is a visual instructional program that builds a deep conceptual understanding of math through rigorous learning and creative problem solving to engage, motivate and challenge PreK-8 students toward higher achievement.


Deep Conceptual Understanding

ST Math starts by teaching the foundational concepts visually, then connects the ideas to the symbols and language. With visual learning, students are better equipped to tackle unfamiliar math problems, recognize patterns, and build conceptual understanding. Without language barriers, the problem is accessible to all students, regardless of skill level or language background.

Impact at Scale

Across the country, ST Math schools are living proof that an effective digital learning program can make a real impact. ST Math benefits every level of student: struggling students grow to become proficient, while proficient students become advanced. ST Math leads the industry in providing educators results with authenticity, transparency and clarity.

Personalized Learning

Over 200 visual games create a unique pathway of interconnected content challenges to provide differentiated instruction for individual students, regardless of skill level.

Student Engagement

The very experience of solving tantalizingly tricky puzzles is intrinsically motivating. In doing so, students develop a conditioned response that drives them to take on the next challenge with energy and enthusiasm.

Creative and Rigorous Problem Solving

ST Math is a standards-aligned program that creates opportunities to move away from mere digitized math drills and puts them in the mindset to think creatively. Challenging games help kids explore non-routine problems and build number sense instead of memorizing disconnected facts.

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:
  • Classlink
  • CLEVER Single Sign On (SSO)

Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use ST Math*