Product Details
At Quizlet, we believe that anyone can learn anything. All it takes is a tenacious spirit, the right guidance, and the tools to see it through. We know that students are under more pressure than ever. It can leave them overwhelmed, be anxiety-producing and make it all too easy to burn out.
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Every class, every test, one ultimate study app
Create your own flashcards or find sets made by teachers, students, and experts. Study them anytime, anywhere with our free app.
Make class material instantly studiable
Make class material instantly studiable
Turn your slides, videos, and notes into flashcard sets, practice tests, and study guides.
Test prep for any subject
Test prep for any subject
Memorize anything with personalized practice tests and study sessions in Learn. 98% of students say Quizlet has improved their understanding.
Empower your students
Empower your students
Help every student confidently learn anything. With free flashcards sets, study modes and in-class games like Quizlet Live, you can instantly create a more engaged classroom.
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Quizlet*