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Discovery Education


Product Details

Discovery Education partners with school districts, dioceses and charters around the world to transform teaching & learning and improve student achievement. Digital textbooks, standards-aligned curricular resources, and transformative professional development support schools as they make their digital transition and conversion. Reaching 50% of U.S. schools, 1 million educators and 35 million students, and formed of the creative energy that brought the world the Discovery Channel, we are proud to help transform schools one classroom, one educator, and one child at a time.

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Support Daily Teaching

We save teachers time with tools they can use every daythroughout the year. Our easy to use, grab-and-go lessons and activities use engaging resources and embedded instructional supports to enhance daily instruction. Integrated professional development helps teachers maximize their impact while minimizing prep time.

Deepen Student Learning

Create a classroom culture of inquiry and exploration through unique learning experiences that connect students to the real world. Our culturally responsive, multi-modal content, complete with embedded multi-lingual and differentiated support, drives student-led learning to spark curiosity and increase concept mastery.

Create Instructional Excitement

Take students from curious to content mastery! Standards-aligned, high-quality, vetted content from brands students love like Sesame Street, Shark Week, DE Originals, and more. Our portfolio spans core and supplemental curriculum, complete with embedded instructional strategies, to create a continuum of cross-curricular learning that deepens connections and inspires confidence to teach across grades and subjects.

An Integrated Experience

We support the latest integration standards and connect to a variety of Learning Management Systems, making it easy and intuitive to access and manage your data, content, resources, and tools. Students and teachers alike can enjoy a unified classroom experience that’s easy to navigate!

Explore Discovery Education Experience

From videos to books, virtual field trips, and immersive and interactive content, Discovery Education Experience embeds relevant learning to power pre-made lessons, quizzes, and activities. Across subjects and for all grades, there’s something for every classroom.

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Discovery*


What Can I Do with Discovery Education?