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Product Details

Cengage Unlimited is the first-of-its-kind unlimited subscription service that marries the quality and breadth of Cengage's entire collection of digital learning platforms, ebooks, online homework and study tools with the ease, scalability and seamless delivery your institution needs.

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Features of Cengage:

  1. Digital Learning Platforms: Cengage offers various digital learning platforms that provide access to eTextbooks, interactive learning activities, multimedia resources, and assessment tools. These platforms are designed to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

  2. eTextbooks and Course Materials: Cengage provides a vast library of eTextbooks and digital course materials across numerous disciplines, including textbooks, study guides, workbooks, and supplemental resources.

  3. Adaptive Learning Technology: Cengage integrates adaptive learning technology into some of its platforms, such as MindTap and Cengage Unlimited. Adaptive learning personalizes the learning experience by adjusting content and assessments based on individual student performance and learning needs.

  4. Open Educational Resources (OER): Cengage supports the use of Open Educational Resources through its Cengage Unlimited platform, which provides access to a large selection of OER materials at a lower cost for students.

  5. Analytics and Insights: Cengage provides instructors and institutions with analytics and insights into student performance and engagement. These analytics help educators track progress, identify at-risk students, and tailor instruction accordingly.

  6. Professional Development: Cengage offers professional development resources and support for instructors, including training workshops, webinars, and tools to help educators effectively integrate digital learning technologies into their teaching practices.

  7. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Cengage prioritizes accessibility and inclusivity in its digital solutions, ensuring that content is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities. This includes features such as text-to-speech functionality and compatibility with screen readers.

  8. LMS Integration: Many of Cengage's digital products integrate seamlessly with Learning Management Systems (LMS), allowing for easy access and management of course materials within existing institutional frameworks.

  9. Student Support Services: Cengage provides student support services through its platforms, including study tools, tutoring services, and resources to help students succeed academically.

  10. Global Reach: Cengage serves a global audience of educators and students, offering localized content and support in various regions around the world.

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
  • Email
  • Web
Blackboard Learn 9.5.1 or up
Moodle 3.5+

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Cengage*


MindTap from Cengage: Powered by You
Convenient Teaching and Learning with MindTap
Cengage Infuse on Moodle Registration and Login