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Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Product Details

Get the all-in-one app that connects you with other people online. Meet, chat, and share content with anyone from anywhere in an easy and reliable way.

Communicate more securely
Connect, learn, and collaborate more securely with students, schools, districts, and the broader community and chat, including supervised chat for students.
Make learning engaging
Create engaging assignments and customized learning experiences with Microsoft 365 and other apps, websites, and content. Support literacy with reading progress, a free built-in tool designed to improve reading fluency.
Support all types of learning
Support the social and emotional growth of your class. Get insights and make connections to support each student with built-in tools that help connect student wellbeing to day-to-day class activities.
Collaborate easily
Meet and chat about group assignments and collaborate in real time on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. Teams also connects with many learning management systems to help students collaborate.
Learn from anywhere
Microsoft Teams is available on any device and has features designed to make students feel included, even if they’re not in the classroom. Record classes so students can revisit content at their own pace.
Support student progress
Track individual student and class progress with built-in insights that help you proactively identify at-risk students and take action to improve outcomes.

Support Options
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Web
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Microsoft Teams*

Currently there is no data in the system


Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams for Education
How to use Classwork in Microsoft Teams
How to use Microsoft Teams for Teachers - Beginner's Tutorial
Microsoft Teams   Student