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Fix Test Event Records

For MAP Growth tests, you can reassign or exclude a test event that a student took by mistake.

Reassigning a Test to Another Student

You might reassign a test event if, for example, two students took a test under each other’s name.

Required MAP role: Data Administrator

  1. Click Manage Students in the left navigation pane.
  2. Type search criteria and then click Search.
  3. In the search results, select the desired student, then click View/Update Test Events.

    Note: If no test events are associated with the selected student, this button is unavailable.

    The Modify Test Event page lists the student's test event history. Click on a column heading to sort test events. For example, Click Score to order test events from lowest to highest score and vice-versa.

  4. Select the desired test event, then click Reassign.
    The Modify Test Event page appears.
  5. In the Search for Target Profile section, search for the student to whom you want to reassign the test event, then click Search.
  6. From the search results, select the desired student, then click Reassign Test.
    A confirmation message appears.

Excluding a Test Result in Reports

If you find an incorrect test event, it's possible to remove it from MAP reports.

Excluding a test event does not permanently remove the test event; it suppresses the test event so it does not appear in MAP reports.

Required MAP role: Data Administrator

  1. Click Manage Students.
  2. Search for a student.
  3. In the search results, select the student with the incorrect test event.
  4. Click View/Update Test Events.
  5. Select the test event (refer to the Test Status column to help distinguish which one).
  6. Click Exclude from Reports.
  7. To confirm:
    1. In the Included in Reports? column, a dash appears for the excluded test event.
    2. Wait for the overnight process and regenerate reports (the test should no longer appear).