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Evacuation of the building or work area may seem necessary to protect individuals from unknown or suspected danger, potential injury, or toxic exposure. Evacuation should not be automatic. You may be safer where you are. Heed the instructions of emergency officials or command and evacuation personnel.

If instructed to do so or if circumstances deem necessary, calmly exit the building by way of the designated or nearest safe exit and report to the designated assembly area for your site.

  • Take your purse or wallet with you. Do not take time to collect belongings or to shut down computers.
  • Assist handicapped persons and anyone with manageable injuries.
  • Do not attempt to move anyone who is severely injured.
  • DO NOT run, use elevators, or close doors behind you.
  • DO NOT smoke, light matches or activate any equipment or electrical switches.
  • STAY AWAY from any structures, debris or utility lines.
  • Designated personnel will take roll sheets with them and take roll in the assembly area.
  • Designated personnel will take the first aid kits and deliver them to the command group area.
  • Report attendance and injuries to command personnel.
  • Assemble with your division in the designated area and remain there until instructed otherwise.
  • Do not attempt to reenter the building until it has been officially declared safe.
  • Do not leave the site unless instructed to do so.

If officials are not present, assess the situation to determine whether the danger is outside or inside. If evacuation is chosen, identify and/or clear a safe route; then proceed to a safe area at a distance from the building.



Campus Safety/Security Applications and Systems

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