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Stay calm and disperse the crowd, if necessary. Remain with the injured person to provide comfort and reassurance. If a criminal act has caused injuries, identify and detain witnesses. Secure the scene.

If the injury is serious or life threatening, dial 911 and be prepared to:

  • State the nature of the emergency.
  • State your name and a phone number at your location.
  • State the building address and room number or area of the building.
  • Remain on the phone until told to hang up.
  • Ask someone to meet emergency officials at the street.

If the injury is not serious or life threatening:

  • Locate a CPR or First Aid certified person to assist.
  • Administer first aid, if indicated.
  • Avoid handling bodily fluids or clothing stained by them.
  • If simple first aid is not enough, transport the person to the nearest medical center as listed at the back of these quick reference emergency procedures.
  • Request that Human Resources notify the person’s emergency contact of any decision to transport for medical care.

Accidents and injuries can occur unexpectedly, requiring quick and decisive action. Here are some steps to take in the event of an accident or injury:

  1. Stay Calm and Disperse the Crowd: In the event of an accident, it's important to remain calm and maintain order. If there is a crowd gathering, take steps to disperse it to ensure that emergency responders can access the injured person without obstruction.

  2. Provide Comfort and Reassurance: Stay with the injured person to offer comfort and reassurance. Your presence can help keep them calm until medical help arrives.

  3. Identify and Detain Witnesses (if applicable): If the injury resulted from a criminal act, it's crucial to identify and detain any witnesses. Their testimony may be important for legal proceedings later on.

  4. Secure the Scene: Ensure that the area where the accident occurred is secure to prevent further harm to anyone involved and to preserve evidence for investigation if necessary.

If the injury is serious or life-threatening:

  1. Call 911: Dial emergency services immediately and provide the following information:

    • Nature of the emergency
    • Your name and a phone number at your location
    • Building address and room number or area of the building
    • Stay on the line until instructed to hang up
  2. Meet Emergency Officials: Ask someone to meet emergency responders at the street to guide them to the scene and provide any necessary assistance.

If the injury is not serious or life-threatening:

  1. Find a CPR or First Aid Certified Person: Look for someone trained in CPR or First Aid to assist with administering aid.

  2. Administer First Aid: Provide necessary first aid according to your training and abilities. However, avoid handling bodily fluids or clothing stained by them to minimize the risk of contamination.

  3. Transport to Medical Center: If simple first aid is not sufficient, transport the injured person to the nearest medical center. Refer to the list at the back of your emergency procedures for the closest medical facilities.

  4. Notify Emergency Contact: Request that Human Resources notify the injured person's emergency contact of any decision to transport them for medical care. It's important to keep their loved ones informed during such situations.

Remember, quick and appropriate action can make a significant difference in the outcome of an accident or injury.

Emergency Medical Services

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Guidelines


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