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Eligibility program records

Program Name

The program start date…

The program end date…

Should LEAs close these records at the end of the year or when the student exits the school?

Free Meal Program

Must be in the current academic year for each reporting year.

Represents the date an approved NSLP meal application was received.

Represents the date that the student exited the school for the academic year.

Yes. These records should be closed annually and a new eligibility determination must be made annually.

NOTE: Records for students who exit a school with an exit code other than E150 will be auto-closed by CALPADS.

Reduced-Price Meal Program

Must be in the current academic year for each reporting year.

Represents the date an approved NSLP meal application was received.

Represents the date that the student exited the school for the academic year.

Yes. These records should be closed annually and a new eligibility determination must be made annually.

NOTE: Records for students who exit a school with an exit code other than E150 will be auto-closed by CALPADS.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

Represents the date the student was determined to be eligible for the GATE program within a school.

Does not mean the student is participating in the GATE program

Represents the date the student was exited from the GATE program at a school.

No. These records should not be closed annually for returning students. For students exiting the school, these records may, but are not required to be closed.

Migrant Education

Represents the date the student was determined to be eligible for the Migrant Program (at any school in California) for a particular eligibility period (maximum of three years). If the student is determined to be eligible again after three years, then a new record should be submitted with a new start date.

Represents the student’s eligibility period expired; or

The date the student was determined to be ineligible for services within a school.

No. These records should not be closed annually for returning students. For students exiting the school, these records may, but are not required to be closed.

Pregnant or Parenting Programs

Represents the date the student was determined to be eligible for pregnant or parenting program.

Represents the date the student was determined to be ineligible at a school or is no longer parenting.

No. These records should not be closed annually for returning students. For students exiting the school, these records may, but are not required to be closed.

Homeless Program

Represents the first date a student was identified as homeless at any school in California. If a student’s eligibility is re-verified annually, the previous record should be closed and a new record should be submitted with a new start date.

Represents the date a student was identified as being no longer homeless, or;

The last day of the school year

No, homeless records are not required to be closed at the end of the year or for students who are exiting. However, best practice is that homelessness be verified annually and LEAs can opt to close and then reopen these records annually if it helps to facilitate the reverification process.

504 Accommodation Plan

Represents the first date that a student was identified as having a 504 Accommodation Plan.

Represents the date the student was no longer identified as having a 504 Accommodation Plan.

No. These records should not be closed annually for returning students. For students exiting the school, these records may, but are not required to be closed.

However, best practice is that 504 Accommodation Plans be evaluated annually and LEAs can determine via the evaluation process, which 504 Accommodation records are no longer eligible and should be closed in CALPADS.

Armed Forces Family Member

Represents the date a student became eligible based on the parent’s most recent active military status.

Must be on or after the student’s birthdate, even if the parent’s active military date was prior to the birthdate. (See FAQ for additional guidance.)

Represents the date a student was identified as being no longer considered armed forces family member, or;

The last day of the school year

No. These records should not be closed annually for returning students. For students exiting the school, these records may, but are not required to be closed.

Language Instruction Program (LIP)

Represents the data a student became eligible and began participating in the LIP.

NOTE: All English learners should be participating in a LIP.

Represents the date a student exited the program.

A student does not have to exit a program when the student is reclassified to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) if the student is still participating in the program.

No. These records should not be closed annually for returning students if the student will continue in the same program in the following school year. For students exiting the school these records may, but are not are not required to be closed.



Participation program records:

Program Name

The program start date…

The program end date…

Should LEAs close these records at the end of the year or when the student exits the school?

Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies ESSA

Represents the first date a student was identified as participating in the program at a school.

Represents the date a student ceased participating in the program at a school; or

The last day of school

Yes. These records should be closed out annually and resubmitted the following academic year with a new program start date and Title I Services (Education Service Code) a student is receiving.

NOTE: Records for students who exit the school with an exit code other than E150 or E155 will be auto-closed by CALPADS.

Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk

Represents the first date a student was identified as participating in the program at a school.

Represents the date a student ceased participating in the program at a school


The last day of school

Yes. These records should be closed annually and resubmitted at the beginning of the school year if the student continues to participate.

NOTE: Records for students who exit the school with an exit code other than E150 or E155 will be auto-closed by CALPADS.

Transitional Kindergarten

Represents the first date a student was identified as participating in the first year of a transitional kindergarten program at a school.

Represents the last day of the student’s first year of participation in the transitional kindergarten program

Yes. These records must be closed at the end of the student’s first year of participation in the Transitional Kindergarten program or will be auto-closed upon a student’s exit.

Opportunity Program

Represents the first date a student was identified as participating in the program at a school.

Represents the date a student ceased to participate in an Opportunity Program at a school


The last day of school.

No, these records are not required to be closed at the end of the year for returning students.

However, best practice is that this be verified annually and LEAs can opt to close these records annually if it helps to facilitate the reverification process.

NOTE: Records for students who exit the school with an exit code other than E150 or E155 will be auto-closed by CALPADS.

California Partnership Academy

Represents the first date a student was identified as participating in the program at a school

Represents the date a student ceased to participate in a CPA; or

The date the student exited the school

No, these records are not required to be closed at the end of the year for returning students.

NOTE: Records for students who exit the school with an exit code other than E150 or E155 will be auto-closed by CALPADS.

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