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To:  Local Educational Agency Representatives

From: California Department of Education - CALPADS Team

Date:  March 14, 2017

Subject: CALPADS Update FLASH #125


The final Fall 2 amendment window closes on March 31, 2017. It is important for local educational agencies (LEAs) to certify the Fall 2 submission on or before March 31, 2017 in order to report their official staff full-time equivalent (FTE), English learner (EL) services, and student course enrollment data.


The spring CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) is coming up on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Registration for the CIM is open on the FCMAT/CSIS Events Web page at

Please register before Monday, April 17 at 11:00 am in order to receive logon information and meeting materials. If more than one person will be viewing the meeting together, please register only once and enter the name(s) of the other attendees where indicated on the registration form.


The collection of two new data elements, Golden State Seal Merit Diploma and State Seal of Biliteracy, will be added to the Student Enrollment (SENR) file type on May 9, 2017. All SENR batch jobs in the queue that have not been fully posted will be abandoned. LEAs will need to work with the student information system (SIS) vendor to make sure they have the ability to generate the new SENR extract that includes the two new fields.


The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to report chronic absenteeism rates for schools (Section 1111(h)(1)(C)(viii) of the ESSA). To meet this requirement, LEAs will be required to submit attendance data to CALPADS through a new file type, Student Absence Summary (STAS), in order for the state to calculate chronic absenteeism rates on a student-level basis. The State Board of Education is also considering chronic absenteeism as one of the indicators for state and federal accountability.

The STAS data will be required for the first time as part of the 2016–17 End-of-Year (EOY) 3 - Student Discipline data submission. As part of EOY 3, LEAs will also be required to certify a cumulative enrollment count that is automatically calculated from the enrollment records posted in CALPADS.

Please note that the absenteeism data collected through CALPADS will NOT replace the average daily attendance (ADA) data submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) for purposes of funding the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), or other programs funded based on ADA, although to the extent possible, the same definitions will be used so that LEAs may utilize the data that they already collect.


As a result of the change related to Teacher Librarian reporting in 2015–16, the count of certificated librarians reported dropped drastically. One potential reason for the reduction is that LEAs may be reporting these staff incorrectly. Note: You can no longer use the Staff Assignment (SASS) record to report the Teacher Librarian as a non-classroom based job assignment.

Reporting School Site-Level Teacher Librarians

The table below provides information about several different scenarios regarding how to correctly report Teacher Librarians AT A SCHOOL SITE LEVEL (the table begins on the following page):

Reporting District-Level Teacher Librarians

To report teacher librarians who provide library services to many school sites within a district:

Because most districts do not have district-level master schedules from which to generate a course section record, it is most efficient to use the CALPADS Online Maintenance tool to add a course section record for a district-level staff member.

Another option (which the CDE prefers) would be to report these staff members at each school site at which they serve.

Use Report 4.3 – Staff Teaching Assignment Detail and filter by State Course Code 6026 –Teacher Librarian to see how many teachers were assigned to that course. Here is a link to the CDE School Libraries Web page:


The Agriculture and Natural Resources (CTE Industry Sector Code = AGR) and Arts, Media, and Entertainment (CTE Industry Sector Code = ART) Industry Sectors have been updated for the 2016–17 academic year. The state course codes within these industry sectors were restructured and revised in July 2016. The remainder of the Career Technical Education (CTE) course codes in all other industry sectors will be restructured beginning in July 2017 for the 2017–18 academic year.

Upcoming CTE Course Mapping Webinar

Career Technical Education and CALPADS staff are hosting the following two webinar sessions (same content at both sessions). This presentation was originally delivered at the Educating for Careers Conference on Sunday, March 5, 2017 in Sacramento. Please encourage relevant staff to attend the webinar:

Title: Mapping and Reporting Career Technical Education Courses for State Reporting

Description: Attendees will understand how to find the CTE course codes in the CALPADS documentation, what constitutes a CTE pathway, what credentials are required to teach CTE courses, and how to select the appropriate State Course Codes when mapping your courses for state reporting to CALPADS.

When: Thursday, April 6, 2017

Times: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (same content at both sessions; attendees need only attend ONE of the sessions)

Target Audience: Staff who will be involved in identifying and mapping courses for career technical education (CTE coordinators, CALPADS administrators, counselors)

Registration Information: It is not necessary to register for this webinar. Simply log on to the Webex session shortly before it begins.

Webex Information:

Session 1: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 am.:

Event number: 661 393 197
Event password: 134778
Event Web address for attendees: dc4116921b508706827

Session 2: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Event number: 667 808 134

Event password: 134780

Event Web address for attendees: 9db1183145dea8637d7

Identifying CTE Courses for the Carl Perkins and CTE Incentive Grant Programs

To ensure that your CTE courses are identified as Carl Perkins or CTE Incentive Grant funding-eligible in CALPADS, you must ensure that one field in the CALPADS Course Section Completion (CRSC) file is populated correctly.

All CTE courses that meet the following criteria should be marked in the CALPADS Course Section Completion (CRSC) file as follows:  

    The course is part of a course sequence that meets the CTE Pathway Standards.

    The course is taught by an appropriately credentialed CTE teacher. Field 9.10 should be left BLANK for any CTE courses that do not meet those criteria. Credentialing Requirements for Teaching CTE Courses Teachers teaching CTE courses are required to either 1) hold a preliminary or clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credential for a specific industry sector; or 2) hold a Single Subject Credential in a specific subject, which authorizes them to teach in specific industry sectors.

    For more information on the specific requirements for the preliminary and clear Designated Subjects Credentials, please refer to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Credentials Leaflet 888 (CL-888) available on this California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Web page:


    See the table below for allowable Single Subject Credentials (the table continues on the following page):


.    Field 9.10 should be left BLANK for any CTE courses that do not meet those criteria.

.    Credentialing Requirements for Teaching CTE Courses

. Teachers teaching CTE courses are required to either 1) hold a preliminary or clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credential for a specific industry sector; or 2) hold a Single Subject Credential in a specific subject, which authorizes them to teach in specific industry sectors. For more information on the specific requirements for the preliminary and clear Designated Subjects Credentials, please refer to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Credentials Leaflet 888 (CL-888) available on this California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Web page:

.  See the table below for allowable Single Subject Credentials (the table continues on the following page):

New EOY 1 Certification Validation Rules (CVRs):

    Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) records (for concentrators and completers) where the CTE Pathway Code is in AGR or ART must have an associated CRSC record with a State Course Code that is in the same pathway.

    SCTE records (for completers) where CTE Pathway Code is in AGR or ART must have an associated CRSC record with a State Course Code that is flagged as the Capstone course in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations.

    SCTE records (for completers) where CTE Pathway Code is NOT in AGR or ART must have an associated CRSC record with a State Course Code that either has a numerical range of 4000–5999 or is outside of the numerical range 4000–5999 and has a Course Content Code (Field 9.10) of 154 (CTE). Modified EOY 1 Certification Validation Rules (CVRs):

    Modify CVR 116 for missing SCSC records for CTE Concentrators for when no SCSC record is submitted for a CTE course (NOT associated with a CTE Industry Sector code of ARG or ART) and implement as a fatal. Note: Last year, CVR 116 was not implemented, as it was a warning and warnings were suspended in AY 2015–2016.

    Modify CVR 102 (for concentrators or completers) for LEAs that are participating in the Perkins or CTE Incentive Grant (CTEIG) Programs for at least two years are expected to submit at least one SCTE record. Note: CVR 117 (No SCTE records submitted for a Carl Perkins program-funded LEA) will be disabled, as there is no longer a need for a separate CVR focused specifically on Perkins funding.

 Data Element Changes:

   Field 9.10 – CRS-Course Content Code

*Must be populated on all courses that are part of your CTE Pathways for Perkins or the CTEIG Programs.

Report Changes:  

    Non-concentrator student counts will now only be counted at the industry sector level in a separate report.

    CTE reports will have a filter that allows LEAs to see courses considered “Perkins or CTEIG Fundable” (flagged with 154) including Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROP) courses and those that are not.

    Concentrator and completer snapshot reports (3.14, 3.15) will now reflect student counts by pathway based on the pathway submitted in the SCTE file and NOT based on the course they completed in the CRSC file.  

    New snapshot reports (aggregate and student detail list) will be created equivalent to snapshot reports 3.14 and 3.15 for Non-Concentrator CTE Participants.

    Disable C/A 3.14 for AY 2016–2017. For AY 2017–2018, C/A 3.14 will be re- activated and modified to only include Concentrators/Completers and a new C/A report will be created to only include Non-Concentrators.



In transitioning the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) data collection into CALPADS, the CDE has developed a high level timeline that includes a test phase in 2018–19 and full implementation in 2019–20. While full implementation is not happening for some time, it is important that LEAs begin now to modify existing business processes to ensure integrity between data maintained by local student information systems (SIS) and supplemental educational services (SES).

The CDE sent a communication to the Superintendents and Charter School Administrators in October 2016. Here is a link to that memo, which is posted on the CDE CALPADS Communications Web page:

The CDE has already begun discussions with special education local plan areas (SELPAs) and SES vendors and will begin to reach out to LEA-level special education and CALPADS staff. Project updates will be provided primarily through the CASEMIS to CALPADS (C2C) Listserv. Information regarding how to subscribe to the C2C Listserv can be found on the CDE CALPADS Listservs Web page at


CAASPP Update - Issue 197, March 15, 2017
Updated Data Files for the Dashboard and 5-by-5 Gr...


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