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Welcome and facilitate conversations with the local community about how to improve learning and achievement for all students, including English Learners, and students needing additional support. 

Welcome community engagement: Educational leaders recognize the importance of involving the local community in discussions about improving learning and achievement for all students. They create inclusive spaces where community members feel valued, respected, and encouraged to contribute their perspectives and ideas. By welcoming community engagement, educational leaders foster trust, collaboration, and shared responsibility for student success.

Facilitate meaningful conversations: Educational leaders facilitate meaningful conversations with the local community to gather insights, identify needs, and co-create solutions that address the diverse needs of students, including English Learners and those needing additional support. This may involve hosting community meetings, focus groups, advisory councils, or virtual forums to discuss challenges, share successes, and brainstorm strategies for improvement. By actively listening to community members and incorporating their feedback into decision-making processes, educational leaders demonstrate a commitment to inclusive and responsive leadership.

To support educational leaders in this endeavor, here are some web links to relevant resources:

  • Community Engagement Toolkit: The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) offers a toolkit for school leaders on community engagement, including strategies for building partnerships, communicating effectively with stakeholders, and involving the community in decision-making processes: NAESP Community Engagement Toolkit

  • English Learner Family Engagement: ColorĂ­n Colorado provides resources and strategies for engaging English Learner families in conversations about education, including tips for culturally responsive communication, parent workshops, and bilingual resources for families: ColorĂ­n Colorado Family Engagement Resources

  • Equity-focused Community Conversations: The Education Trust offers resources for facilitating equity-focused community conversations, including discussion guides, sample agendas, and facilitator tips to help educational leaders engage stakeholders in meaningful dialogue about equity and student success: Education Trust Community Conversations

  • Virtual Engagement Platforms: Educational leaders can utilize virtual engagement platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet to host virtual community meetings and forums, enabling broader participation and accessibility for community members: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet

By welcoming and facilitating conversations with the local community about improving learning and achievement for all students, including English Learners and students needing additional support, educational leaders foster a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and shared ownership of student success within the school community.

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