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Develop a shared understanding of adopted standards-based curriculum that reflects student content and performance expectations.

  1. Clarifying Standards:

    • Unpacking the standards to identify key concepts, skills, and knowledge that students are expected to learn at each grade level or course.
    • Providing clear and detailed explanations of the standards to help teachers understand what students need to know and be able to do.
    • Resource: Understanding by Design provides a framework for unpacking standards and designing curriculum aligned with student expectations.

  2. Aligning Curriculum:

    • Reviewing existing curriculum materials and resources to ensure they address the content and skills specified in the standards.
    • Providing guidance and support to teachers as they align their instructional materials and practices with the standards.
    • Resource: Achieve the Core offers free, high-quality resources aligned with state standards to support curriculum alignment.

  3. Providing Professional Development:

    • Offering ongoing workshops, training sessions, and collaborative planning meetings focused on the standards and their implications for teaching and learning.
    • Helping teachers deepen their understanding of the adopted standards and how to effectively implement them in the classroom.
    • Resource: Edutopia's Professional Development Guide provides strategies and resources for effective professional development.

  4. Supporting Curriculum Implementation:

    • Providing access to instructional resources and materials that support the standards-based curriculum.
    • Modeling effective teaching strategies and offering feedback and support to teachers as they implement the curriculum in their classrooms.
    • Resource: Teaching Channel offers videos of effective teaching practices aligned with standards-based instruction.

  5. Monitoring and Assessment:

    • Establishing processes for monitoring and assessing the implementation of the standards-based curriculum.
    • Conducting classroom observations, reviewing student work, and analyzing assessment data to ensure alignment with standards.
    • Resource: Data Wise provides a framework for using data to improve instruction and student learning.

  6. Collaboration and Communication:

    • Fostering a culture of collaboration and communication among teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders.
    • Creating opportunities for teachers to share best practices, collaborate on curriculum development, and engage in reflective discussions.
    • Resource: Learning Forward offers tools and resources for building collaborative professional learning communities.

  7. Continuous Improvement:

    • Promoting a culture of continuous improvement where teachers reflect on their practice, seek feedback, and make adjustments based on student performance data.
    • Encouraging teachers to engage in ongoing professional learning and development to refine their instructional practices.
    • Resource: Carnegie Foundation's Improvement Science provides strategies for continuous improvement in education.

By implementing these strategies, educational leaders can develop a shared understanding of adopted standards-based curriculum that reflects student content and performance expectations, ensuring that all students receive a high-quality education aligned with rigorous academic standards.

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